Bible reference : Genesis 1:1-2:3.
The first verse of the Bible tells us something fascinating: God existed before the beginning, before everything we know exists in the universe. He is the great Creator of the world and everything in it. God created the light, the waters, the heavens, the earth, the stars in the sky, the fish, the birds, the domestic animals, the wild animals, the reptiles… Each and every type of animal was his idea and creation.
Last but not least, God created people. From the dust of the earth He formed man and breathed life into him. This was Adam. He was different from the animals, because he was made in the likeness of the Creator Himself and received the breath of life directly from God.
Then God made Adam fall asleep and removed one of his ribs. From it, he created the woman, Eve, who would be Adam’s friend, wife, and companion. The creation of mankind was complete. Man was no longer alone. They were beautiful and pure. They also received from God the ability to love, think, worship, and create.
God rested after finishing all of his creation. Not because he was tired, but because he had finished a very important work. He saw everything he made and thought it was very good! With this, God teaches us to rest as well. He wants us to take time to rest and think about him and his creation.
To reflect: God is the sovereign creator and sustainer of the universe
- If a friend prepares a beautiful and cozy house for us for a holiday, what should be our attitude towards him?
- Do you believe that God cares about our well-being? What evidence of this do you see in creation?
Meditate and read : Jeremiah 32:17, Psalm 19, Hebrews 3:4, Romans 11:36.